Kids Club
This children's Ministry runs on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 PM and involves those 4 years of age to the 6th grade. We have several faithful leaders who help to encourage our children from Eyota and the surrounding communities.
Grace Group
This Youth Ministry runs on Sunday nights at the present time, from 6:00 to 7:30 PM and involves those from 7th grade to 12th grade. We meet in our own Youth Garage for a time of supper, and fun with our many table games and end the evening digging into God's Word.
Sunday School
Our Bible Study Hour is a great to way to dig deeper into the Word of God and fellowship with other believers. We invite all to stay after each service to learn more about God's plan for this world and your life. We have classes from adult to elementary school at 10:45 am each Sunday.
Join us during worship as we lift up and praise God for His mercies and grace in our lives. Our songs consist of both the classic hymns and praise choruses.
Missionary Support
We are honored to support 3 full time missionary families across the globe through both prayer and financial support. God has truly blessed us with this opportunity and the means to help spread the one and only true Gospel!